Financial Transmission Rights: How This Lesser Known Aspect Of The Power Infrastructure Applies To Your Business
In the complex world of the electricity sector, Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) play a pivotal role in managing the flow of electricity and ensuring grid reliability. This article delves into the concept of FTRs, shedding light on how they are used to hedge against congestion costs in local electric markets.
Why Working In The Energy Industry Can Be Rewarding And Fulfilling
Let's explore the remarkable benefits of a career in the dynamic and ever-evolving energy industry. From driving innovation and tackling global challenges to enjoying rewarding opportunities and a sustainable future, we'll delve into why the energy sector is an exciting and fulfilling field to be a part of.
Selling Energy Back To The Grid
Selling electricity back to the grid is not as easy as you might think. This article outlines the intricacies of the electric grid and how selling excess power back to the grid actually works.
The Power Grid: How It Works, Coming Advances, And Vulnerabilities
Electricity plays a critical role in all of our daily lives yet many people do not understand the power grid or the behind-the-scenes process that ensures reliable delivery of electricity. This article outlines everything you need to know about the electricity grid.
Long Term vs. Short Term Energy Contracts
If you're not sure how long to fix your energy rate, this article is for you. Below we outline the key drivers of energy prices and when locking in for a long or short term energy contract makes more sense.
Locking In Energy Rates: Should I Fix Or Float?
Are you thinking about locking in a fixed rate for electricity or natural gas for your business? This article aims to outline the key differences between fixed energy rates and floating rates, and how to take advantage of a fixed rate offer.