Partnering with the Right Broker Makes All the Difference.
If you are looking to enhance your career as an energy broker, partnering with the right energy brokerage firm is critical to your success. There are many energy brokers to choose from, so you should consider some of the factors that will directly affect your career and your ability to succeed. Here are some of the reasons why our sales partners choose us:
Upfront Energy Commission Payments
Maybe you want to advance your current energy broker career? Waiting for slow residual payments can take months, or even years, depending on your customers’ contract start dates. This slow cash flow can prevent you from making a full time commitment, hiring sub-agents, or investing in marketing. We provide our sales partners with upfront commission payments so they can grow.
Accurate Commission Statements
Commission statements with errors are prevalent in the energy broker sector. As a sales professional, you might find yourself spending inordinate amounts of time combing through your commission statements to be sure you are being paid correctly. Through our automated commission calculation system, we are able to quickly identify supplier errors, get them resolved quickly, and ensure that your commission payments are accurate.
Highest Commission Splits
Interested in becoming an energy broker? Maybe you want to advance your current energy broker career? Earning your fair share of the total broker commission is imperative to your success as a broker. Some energy sales professionals do all of the work and do not earn the majority of the commission. At Diversegy, we believe in paying our partners what they deserve. Our most experienced energy sales partners earn of to 80% of the total broker commission.
Why Getting Upfront Commission Payments Matters.
As you start on your journey, or further your career, as an energy broker, you will learn that getting your energy commissions upfront matters for many reasons. Making new energy sales is tough, and requires lots of energy, and even some marketing dollars. So, having immediate cash flow is critical to being able to survive. Many energy brokers, unfortunately, are left taking residual commissions from retail energy suppliers due to their size and volume of business. Residual commissions not only leave you struggling for cash flow, but they also require monthly audits to ensure accurate commission payments. That’s why our sales partners are experiencing so much success in the deregulated energy markets. We offer upfront and accurate energy broker commission payments. Learn more about our exciting energy broker platform below.
Upfront Payments
So You Can Grow.

Fast, Upfront
Most energy brokers and suppliers pay sales commissions on a monthly residual basis. We offer our sales partners upfront commission payments based on the customer contract value. We also pay our partners quickly after they close a deal, so they do not have to wait for their pay.
Don’t Wait For Flow
Get Paid On
Deal Submission.
If you have been in the energy broker space for some time, you understand that most energy sales commissions are paid after the deal starts to flow. At Diversegy, we offer our sales partners upfront commission payments based on contract signature and submission. This gives you the freedom to earn a sizable income as you work, and eliminates the need to track future commission payments based on contract start dates.

Cash Flow
Upfront Payments
Help You Grow.
In business, cash is king, and cash flow can make or break your career as an energy broker. It is difficult to keep selling when you are waiting to get paid so you can fuel up your car or purchase marketing material. The upfront commission payments we offer our sales partners allow them to increase cash flow and effectively grow their businesses.
Accurate, On-Time Payments.
It’s the Diversegy Way.

Unlike some brokers who calculate sales commissions manually each period, Diversegy has a proprietary commission reporting and calculation software. This platform, called ELIAS, automatically generates your commission statements based on your customers’ utility account numbers and energy usage to produce accurate commission statements – every time.
Margins and Usage.
Through ELIAS, our sales partners have full visibility into their customers, contracts, margins, and usage. This level of transparency is unprecedented in the energy broker space and allows you to have full control over your commission statements and payments.

Same Day
Every Month.
We know how hard you work, and wondering when your next commission deposit is coming should not be a concern. We process commissions the same time every month so you can enjoy accurate and predictable income.
High Commission Splits
That You Deserve.

Sales Team Growth
High Commissions
So You Can Hire.
Growing your energy sales team and scaling your business takes money and margin. Some sales agents are getting paid large commissions and you need a higher split to attract them to your team. Our 80% energy broker commission program allows you to hire sub-agents, pay referral partners, and enter into affinity programs with other organizations. Ready to start growing?
Finally Get Paid
What You Deserve.
Are you an energy sales professional with a successful track record? Maybe you feel as if you should be earning a higher commission split from your broker? Start getting paid what you deserve. We offer our seasoned sales partners up to 80% of the total energy broker commission.

80% Means 80%.
Worried that you are not getting paid your full commission? Unfortunately, there are many energy brokers who do not offer margin transparency and visibility into contract confirmation details. At Diversegy, we pride ourselves on offering transparent, accurate sales commissions. If you are experienced and we offer you 80% sales commission, it’s a true 80% of the total margin.