Choosing Retail Energy Suppliers: Supplier Reputation vs. Lowest Price
If you've signed up for the lowest energy rate in the past just to be burned by your retail energy supplier, this article is for you. As a professional energy brokerage firm with decades of energy market experience, we warn consumers against simply chasing the lowest price. Energy supplier reputation is just as important! Read on to learn more.
Calculating Business Energy Consumption
Many businesses are looking for ways to reduce energy costs and become more energy efficient. Starting with your business energy consumption is the best first step towards achieving your energy efficiency goals. This article outlines how to calculate energy usage and even comes with a business energy consumption calculator.
Backwardation & Contango: What They Are And How They Affect Energy Futures Contracts
Have you ever heard the trading terms backwardation or contango? The two terms are extremely important to understand, especially when you are managing energy costs for your business. This article outlines what you need to know and how to react to a backwarded market or market that is in contango.
How to Build An Effective Energy Strategy For Your Business
Do you have an energy plan in place for your business or organization? Energy is a large expense for most businesses and having an effective energy strategy is the first step towards reducing costs and improving operating capital. This article, written by our energy industry professionals, outlines the things to incorporate in your commercial energy plan.
The Power Grid: How It Works, Coming Advances, And Vulnerabilities
Electricity plays a critical role in all of our daily lives yet many people do not understand the power grid or the behind-the-scenes process that ensures reliable delivery of electricity. This article outlines everything you need to know about the electricity grid.
Long Term vs. Short Term Energy Contracts
If you're not sure how long to fix your energy rate, this article is for you. Below we outline the key drivers of energy prices and when locking in for a long or short term energy contract makes more sense.