How To Protect Your Energy Account From Fraud And Energy Scams
Energy scams and fraud are a regular occurrence in deregulated energy markets. This article explains how to spot an energy scam and protect your business.
3 Sales Techniques To Successfully Sell Energy Contracts
If you want to be a successful energy broker or commercial energy sales agent, you must understand the fundamentals of selling an energy contract. In this article, we outline the skills you need to succeed in the retail energy commercial sector.
Energy De-Regulation in 2023
Energy deregulation has changed and evolved since its inception in the 1990s. Even in the most recent years, there are new laws and regulations affecting the deregulated energy markets. Here's what to expect for energy deregulation in 2023.
Energy Brokers vs Energy Traders: What’s the Difference
There are several key differences between energy brokers and energy traders. Although both of these energy professionals operate in deregulated energy markets, their functions are quite unique. Learn about the differences between energy brokers and traders.
How Much Does Electricity Cost in Deregulated Energy Markets?
In this article, we outline the prices of energy in deregulated states, average electric rates in regulated states, and the differences between the two. Here's everything you need to know about electric rates across the country.
Are Energy Brokers Legit? Red and Green Flags to Look Out For
If you've had a bad experience with an energy broker or wondering if energy brokers are really legit, then this article is for you. Here's what to watch out for when hiring an energy broker to find you a price for electricity or natural gas.