How To Better Manage Your Energy Demand Charges
Saving money on your electricity bill is more than just finding a lower rate from an energy supplier. For commercial customers, energy demand charges account for a large portion of your total costs. This article outlines different ways to control energy demand and reduce energy demand expenses.
Everything You Need To Know About Blend And Extend Energy Contracts
You might have heard the term "blend and extend energy contracts" thrown around by your energy broker or supplier. This article aims to outline the details of a blend and extend arrangement and how it can benefit your business when energy market prices drop in the middle of your fixed-rate contract.
Buying Or Selling A Business: What To Do With Utility And Energy Contracts
Buying or selling your business can be complicated. With many items to consider, your energy supply contract might be the last thing on your mind. We're here to tell you that you should not ignore the transfer or cancelation of your agreement. Use this article to learn how to manage your energy contract through a business sale.
Electric Bill Late Payment Fees & What To Do If You Get One
A past due electric bill can create anxiety and be bad for your bottom line. But late fees on electricity bills can be avoided. Here's how late fees work and what you can do to avoid getting a late fee on your energy bill.
The Differences Between Domestic vs Business Energy
There are many differences between residential and commercial energy bills. This article aims to outline those differences and detail how these very different energy bills are calculated.
What You Need To Know About Rescission Periods, Energy Contracts & Your Rights
Some retail energy contracts contain rescission language that allows customers to cancel a contract before it starts. This article outlines what you need to know about rescinding your energy supply agreement if you want to back out at the last minute.