The Scariest Things About the Energy Broker Business
Being a full-time energy broker can be challenging, and the career comes with setbacks. In this article, we outline some of the scariest things about the energy broker business and how you can overcome them.
Energy Broker Marketing Materials: What You Should Leave Behind
Prospecting for new customers as an energy broker can be challenging. That's why it's important to know what marketing materials to leave behind with your prospects. Marketing materials can help multiply your sales efforts. Here is what to do.
Consolidated vs. Dual Billing
There are two different types of billing structures offered by retail energy suppliers: consolidated and dual billing. As an energy broker, it is important to understand the pro's and con's of both billing options so you can better advise your customers.
Preparing Energy Price Quotes To Achieve Success
It is important to present energy price quotes to customers in a simple, easy-to-understand format. Furthermore, it is critical to show a true apples-to-apples price comparison between supplier and utility rates.
Understanding Your Energy Contract Language
When you are entering into a contract with an energy supplier for your business, there are certain things you must know in order to fully understand the terms of the agreement. Furthermore, there are nuances between supplier contracts that energy brokers should be aware of to better serve their customers.
Everything You Need To Know About Energy Futures Markets
As a retail energy broker, one must understand how energy futures trade in order to be a competent advisor. Here are three things every energy broker must know about the futures market.